World Bible Quiz Association
Links to Other Bible Quiz Resource Sites
There are a number of organizations that provide Bible Quiz resources in addition to the World Bible Quiz Association. We have included some links below to other sites. Note that these sites are not managed by WBQA and will open in a new window.
If you have a quizzing resource site that you would like to be listed, please contact the WBQA Executive Committee at wbqaexec@gmail.com.
Bible Quiz Equipment
Acme Quiz Products (1/2/3/4 team USB boxes, software and pads)
Anderson Buzzer Systems (Officiator 10 player electronic buzzer system)
Grass Lake Assembly (Hand Buzzers)
QuizStuff.Com (Computerized quiz jump software and quiz machine)
Quiz-Time Systems (Box and pads, models for 10, 15 or 20 quizzers) **
QuizEquipment.com (Electronic quiz box, pads and scoreboards) **
Zeecraft Tech (Buzzers, timers, scoreboards, wireless systems)
**WBQA events typically utilize equipment from Quiz Equipment (also referred to as "Kirkman boxes") and Quiz-Time Systems.
Bible Quiz Software
Other Helpful Sites
Quiz Coach (Quizzing portal and study material)
BQ.net (Free Domains and Hosting)